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Measurement Instruction for Cushions

Measurement Instruction for Deep Seat Cushion

Measuring Seat Cushions

This measurement guide applies to the following products:

  • Deep Seat Cushions (Link)
  • Deep Seat Back Cushions (Link)
  • Flop Cushions as Deep Seat Back Cushions (Link)
  • Pallet Cushions (Link)

Über die Fertigungsart „Stegsaum“ können Sie unter diesem Link mehr erfahren.

Measuring Seat Cushions

The seat cushion for the deep seat furniture should usually be flush with the seat surface of the furniture. Therefore, the actual dimensions of the furniture's seat surface are almost always used for the seat depth and width measurements.

Sitzkissen für Loungemöbel vorne abschließend

Sometimes it makes sense to take the seat depth of the lounge seat cushion a little longer than the depth of the lounge chair, so that the front edge of the cushion protrudes slightly. This prevents the furniture from being touched with the legs:

Sitzkissen für Loungemöbel vorne überstehend

Measuring back cushions

Depending on the height of the backrest, you should first consider whether the back cushion should protrude above the backrest (since the back part of a lounge chair is often low, this is often the case) or whether it should end with the backrest of the furniture.

When entering the dimensions of the back cushion height, always remember that the back cushion is always placed on the seat cushion. Therefore, the thickness of the seat cushion is subtracted from the desired final height (total height).

The following formula can be used to calculate the height of the backrest:

Height of the back cushion = Total height – Seat thickness

Rückenkissen für Loungemöbel Höhe richtig eingeben

Back cushion

In the box seam variant, the dimensions are implemented very precisely in production. Of course, the cushions turn out to be about 1 cm larger. This is because the foam core is coated with a layer of thermo fleece, which gives the cushion its shape. But don't worry - the cushions will fit perfectly with your lounge furniture, because the fleece is very generous.

Back cushion in the "flop cushion" manufacturing style

The flop cushions, on the other hand, are filled with foam flakes, which makes the exact implementation of dimensions difficult. However, the flop cushions are made in such a way that they fit very well with your dimensions.

For the flop cushions, only the width and height can be entered. This is because the corners are sewn in tightly and the thickness at the corners is always 10 cm. Depending on the chosen filling type, the thickness in the middle is approx. 20 cm for the "firmly filled" variant and approx. 15 cm for the "fluffily filled" variant:

The measurements entered in the configurator refer to the cushion and not to the furniture. You have to think carefully in advance about what you want to get in the end.

We hope that you will get along well with this guide and that the ordering process will be very easy and understandable.

Flopkissen für Loungemöbel

Measuring instructions for chair and lounger cushions with flange seam

This measurement guide refers to the following products

  • High-back cushions with flange seam (Link)
  • Low-back cushions with flange seam (Link)
  • Hollywood swing cushions with flange seam (Link)
  • Lounger cushions with flange seam (Link)

You can learn more about the "flange seam" manufacturing method under this link.

It is impossible to produce the upholstery products with millimeter precision, as the pad, including filling and fabric, is a flexible product.

In the flange seam version, it is even more difficult to maintain the exact dimensions - on the one hand, the upholstery piece is surrounded by a fabric fold (so-called flange seam) and on the other hand, the filling is yielding and deforms somewhat when you sit on the upholstery, for example. Therefore, minimal dimensional deviations cannot be excluded, and this is not because we do not master our work, but because the cushion can be measured differently in different positions and places.

The specified dimensions refer to the cushion, which lies on a flat surface (e.g. floor, table) and is not flattened.

The flange seam is 2.5 cm wide and is included in the entered dimensions.

This means that with an ordered width of e.g. 50 cm, the upholstery piece is 45 cm wide plus 5 cm flange seam (2.5 cm on each side):

Stehsaumauflagen Bemaßungen

Please note that the pads on chairs can have slightly different dimensions. This is because the bending point where the seat cushion and the back cushion come together does not lie at the bending point of the chair, but protrudes slightly. In addition, the two cushions (seat cushion and back cushion) have their thickness, which pushes somewhat outward when folding together. As a result, the pads do not end with the furniture, but protrude slightly, even though you have correctly entered the seat depth and back height of the chair. This is especially the case with new cushions that have not yet taken on the shape of the furniture:

In the table below, we have summarized APPROXIMATE values, which we have determined over time from experience. It is assumed that the backrest inclination is about 100 to 110°:

StärkeÜberstehend SitzÜberstehend Lehne
4 cmca. 2 cmca. 2 cm
6 cmca. 3 cmca. 3 cm
8 cmca. 4 cmca. 4 cm
10 cmca. 5 cmca. 5 cm
Stehsaumauflagen Überstände

This is only a guideline so that you can understand the problem behind it.

We recommend that you always take the actual dimensions of the furniture for the dimension input, so that always suitable pads are made. Although the new pads usually protrude slightly and do not close off the edges of the furniture, they take on the shape of the furniture over time and sit down. This means that the flange seam pads fit perfectly with your furniture.

Measuring instructions for chair cushions

This measurement guide refers to the following products:

  • High-back cushions (Link)
  • Low-back cushions (Link)
  • Hollywood swing cushions (Link)
  • Lounger cushions (Link)

You can learn more about the "box seam" manufacturing method under this link.

The cushions with box seam, which consist of seat and back cushion, can be produced quite precisely according to the given dimensions.

This is because from a thickness of 10 cm, the seat cushion is connected to the back cushion by means of a fabric strip and the back cushion is placed on the seat cushion. The backrest height entered in the configurator then consists of the seat cushion thickness and the back cushion height (Entered backrest height = Seat thickness + Back cushion height):

Stegsaumauflagen ab 8 cm Stärke

For cushions up to 8 cm thick, the seat cushion is sewn directly to the back cushion. This thickness allows a precise production of the cushions in this way. In this case, the seat depth and back cushion height of the cushion correspond to the entered dimensions:

Stegsaumauflagen bis 6 cm Stärke

In the box seam manufacturing style, you will receive the cushions made to measure to the centimeter. Therefore, you should think in advance about which cushion product you want to get and how it should fit with the existing furniture.

Measuring instructions for lounger cushions with box seam

This measurement guide refers to the following products:

  • Lounger cushions with box seam (Link)

You can learn more about the "box seam" manufacturing method under this link.

You should measure your lounger best with the backrest folded down:

In the case of the lounger pad, the backrest and seat or lying surface are sewn together with a thickness of up to 8 cm:

From a thickness of 10 cm, the seat surface and the backrest are connected to each other by means of a fabric strip 3 cm wide:

Here you have to keep in mind that we do not subtract the seat or lying thickness from the backrest. This is because your lounger should be completely covered with the pad even when the backrest is folded down. If you do not wish this, you can subtract the seat or lying thickness from the dimension of the backrest.

Measuring instructions for bench cushions with flange seam

This measurement guide refers to the following products:

  • Bench cushions with flange seam (Link)
  • Bench back cushions with flange seam (Link)
  • Stool cushions with flange seam (Link)

You can learn more about the "flange seam" manufacturing method under this link.

The dimensions given in the configurator refer to the cushion including flange seam (2.5 cm wide fabric fold).

This means that with a bench cushion with flange seam in the size e.g. 150 x 50 cm, the upholstery piece is 145 x 45 cm large plus 2.5 cm flange seam on each side:

Bankauflage mit Stehsaum Bemassungen

We recommend using the actual dimensions of the bench for the dimensions so that the flange seam does not kink on the sides:

Sitzauflage mit Stehsaum für Bank

The same also applies to the back cushion:

Rückenkissen mit Stehsaum für Bank

The optional tie loops on the seat cushion, if they have been selected in the configurator, are worked into the rear corners:

Banksitzkissen mit Stehsaum mit Schlaufen

In the case of the back cushion, the tie loops are placed 10 cm away from the outer corners (if the loops should be placed in another place, please enter this in the note field). For a width greater than 150 cm, an additional tie loop is worked into the middle:

Bankrückenkissen mit Stehsaum mit Schlaufen

Measuring instructions for bench cushions with box seam

This measurement guide refers to the following products:

  • Bench cushions with box seam (Link)
  • Bench back cushions with box seam (Link)

You can learn more about the "box seam" manufacturing method under this link.

For bench cushions with box seam, we recommend entering the exact dimensions of the surface to be upholstered. The cushions are made quite accurately according to the dimensions given, with a minimal difference (this is due to the fact that the foam core is coated with thermo fleece):

Sitzauflage mit Stegsaum für Bank

The same also applies to the back cushion:

Rückenkissen mit Stegsaum für Bank

The optional tie loops on the seat cushion, if they have been selected in the configurator, are worked into the rear corners:

Banksitzkissen mit Stegsaum mit Schlaufen

In the case of the back cushion, the tie loops are placed 10 cm away from the outer corners (if the loops should be placed in another place, please enter this in the note field). For a width greater than 150 cm, an additional tie loop is worked into the middle:

Bankrückenkissen mit Stegsaum mit Schlaufen

Measuring instructions for half-round cushions

This measurement guide refers to the following product:

  • Deep seat cushion half round (Link)

In our online shop, we offer the possibility to configure half-round cushions.

The half-round cushion consists of two symbolic areas: a semicircle and a rectangle:

Halbrunde Auflage

In our online configurator, only two dimensions need to be entered, which we need for our production - seat depth and width. We then independently calculate the rounding (provided the rounding forms a correct semicircle).

We proceed as follows - we halve the entered width of the cushion and set the value as the radius for the rounding:

Halbrunde Auflage vermessen

The formula for this is as follows: Rounding = Width / 2

If the rounding does not form a correct semicircle, a paper template or an old cover is required for production. However, the price is calculated from the two dimensions given - seat depth and width. You can insert the following sentence, for example, in the note field when ordering: "A paper template will be submitted later". In this case, we only start production when we have received the template or the old cover.

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